We’re all worried about what Trump’s election means for the fight against climate change and the next four years. If you’re anything like me or most of our movement, you’ve spent the last two weeks in a sort of daze – trying to make meaning of the moment and see the path forward, together, without taking ALL the steps back.
We’ve got a 2 part plan for the next 60 days – through Trump’s inauguration – that I think can at least get us started on a hopeful, honest, and defiant path. I’ll lay out some more detail below, but in brief they are:
- Is to get President Biden to go #YOLOJoe (YOLO is short for You Only Live Once) and take bold action on climate before he leaves office.
& - Is to get ready for the fight ahead so people are prepared to shut shit down and take bold action against fossil fueled fascism in defense of our climate and communities.
It’s on that second point that I want to invite you to join us in person or online Tuesday, December 3rd with partners from across the climate, environmental justice, and progressive movement to talk about The Climate Fight Ahead. RSVP here to attend this event in person in Washington DC, or watch the livestream.

Our first strategy around getting Biden to go #YOLOJoe includes actions we’ve already told you about, including international actions at the COP talks and a lot more domestic actions: like making the LNG export pause permanent, denying permits for new fossil fuel pipelines and other infrastructure, and repealing fossil fuel subsidies in national and international budget agreements. Our friends at the Green New Deal Network are hosting a series of rallies and trainings over the next few weeks, and we’ll be supporting that work, and more, stay tuned!
Or second strategy is about refusing to give Trump and his fossil fueled fascist movement any ground: Strikes, withholding our labor to shut down sections of the economy, picketing and sitting in to shut down business as usual (as we’ve done many times at banks and the financiers of climate chaos), as well as getting back to our time tested resistance strategies of protesting policies and bird dogging Trump officials.
If you’re in or near DC, join us at the Lisner Auditorium at George Washington University. And wherever you join us from – in person or online – we’ll hear from leaders like Jane Fonda, Sen. Ed Markey, Rep. Maxwell Frost, Rep. Melanie Stansbury, Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Roishetta Ozane and more.
See you there, and for what’s next.