Last Spring, we fought to UnFrack FERC (the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) and the Fall of FERC in September is our chance to end this imperial outpost of fossil fuels.
With grassroots movements escalating against fossil fuels and federal Courts finally validating our arguments and issuing real consequences for FERC’s failures – is this the beginning of the Fall of FERC? I’ll explain more below, but we think September 19 is the critical moment to stand up to FERC over all their past failures, and demand a permanent change in the way the federal government reviews, permits, or opposes fossil fuels – especially LNG exports.
Will you join us in Washington DC on September 19 for the Fall of FERC? RSVP here and we’ll send you everything you need to know (don’t worry if you can’t make the planning call on Aug 26, RSVP anyway and we’ll send you notes and next steps).
Ok for those of you who need the context: From March-May, we held press conferences with frontline organizers, wheatpasted the FERC chair’s neighborhood, and disrupted FERC’s monthly meeting over 16 times! All as part of our expanding campaign to UnFrack FERC, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
But a lot has changed, some of it very recently, at FERC since then. Three new Commissioners have taken seats at FERC, which could be enough to enact real changes — if they vote for it. And, as we explained more in an earlier post and also this video, the D.C. Circuit Court has been striking at the heart of FERC’s broken permitting process.
They vacated the permits for a Williams pipeline in New Jersey, and then the Rio Grande LNG, TX LNG, and Rio Bravo pipelines in Texas! The court found the permits invalid due to lack of climate emission analysis and clear violations of environmental justice standards — just what we’ve been telling FERC for years and all spring with the unFrack FERC campaign!
All of which sets up the next commissioners meeting on September 19, 2024, as a critical moment for the Fall of FERC and the end of fossil fuels.
Along with our friends at BXE, we’re are looking for dozens of people to come to Washington D.C. September 18 – 19. We’re also looking for those of you who’ve never been to a FERC meeting before to help us deliver the message where FERC commissioner’ meeting’s can’t miss it. We want to bring so much joyous rebellion to the FERC meeting that they simply cannot continue to approve fossil fuels!*
We will replace their bureaucratic jargon with truth and song!
We will force them to face up to what their actions do to communities, to our planet, to the lives of their own children!
You can learn more by attending our Action Orientation meeting online on August 26th 6PM (EST).
If you’ve already been to FERC in the past, or want to get looped into our Signal thread – paste this into a secure browser:
* With recognition that violence and repression against climate protestors is increasing around the world, and this week’s shocking news that a Citi security guard punched a protestor in New York, a quick note from BXE on legal risk:
BXE has been disrupting FERC meetings for a decade – and in all of our years of interrupting- no arrests have ever been made! Disrupters are simply removed from the meeting, and banned from future FERC meetings. Nevertheless, we have a lawyer on hand for anything that goes wrong! And we’ll have lots of support staff and allies to keep you safe, briefed, and cared for. FERC actions are an opportunity to speak truth to power with visible impact!