Just in time delivery to Stop Line 5!

We’ve told you before about the dangerous Line 5 pipeline proposal and the threat it poses to our climate, and the Great lakes – the largest source of fresh water on earth.

The existing pipeline is bad enough – it’s 20 years past its shutdown date and still carrying nearly 22 million gallons of oil per day across critical waterways. Those waterways flow into Lakes Superior, Michigan, and Huron and supply the drinking water for tens of millions of residents.

But now, The Canadian pipeline giant Enbridge – the company that owns Line 5 and also DAPL, Line 3, and other big, dirty pipeline projects in the USis asking President Biden’s Army Corps of Engineers for permission to reroute and extend the pipeline.

Indigenous communities and especially Indigenous women have been at the forefront of the fight to stop the Line 5 pipeline for years. Tomorrow, a delegation of those leaders with the Indigenous Women’s Treaty Alliance (IWTA) from the Great Lakes region are hosting a petition delivery and rally in Washington DC to stop Line 5 and protect communities, water, and our global climate

Click here to send a letter to the Army Corps just in time for a delivery and press conference on Wednesday, March 13.

You can also check out this latest video from WECAN, or read on below for more information:

As Rep Rashida Tlaib recently explained in a Detroit Free Press editorial, Line 5 is a climate, environmental, and human rights disaster. Virtually every tribe in Michigan, Wisconsin and Canada opposes the pipeline. There are a ton of good reasons to shut down Line 5. And not a lot of reasons to trust Enbridge. Only luck has prevented a major oil spill from happening in the last few years. And Enbridge has repeatedly violated the law and their own promises to repair and maintain Line 5.

That’s why local leaders including Michigan’s Democratic Governor Whitmer have opposed Line 5. But, so far, President Biden and his USACE have refused to intervene.

This is our last chance to stop Line 5 and protect our water, climate, and tribal treaty rights. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers can still stop the project by denying the federal permit for the Line 5 pipeline. And that’s what our actions this week are designed to do: Convince President Biden’s Army Corps of Engineers to shut down Line 5’s permits; and get everyone excited to support the work to protect Native American sovereignty!

Send a letter to the Army Corps now telling them to stop line 5!

One Comment

  1. Stop all those dangerous pipelines.