NO DAPL call in day meme

Make the Call to Stand with Standing Rock & Stop DAPL

Standing Rock and Cheyenne River Youth are asking you to join them in calling the White House to Shut Down the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). The Biden-Harris Administration’s Army Corps of Engineers has the opportunity to do the right thing by immediately shutting down the DAPL and revoking all permits. Taking clear action to Shut …

Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline DAPL

DAPL is still operating illegally. Help shut it down for good Thursday.

For years, we’ve fought to stop and shut down the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). If you joined us recently, DAPL is a risky oil pipeline that threatens drinking water and was built without adequate environmental analysis or Tribal consultation. Trump tried to rush the pipeline into operation when he was President. But, he was sloppy …

Sen Schumer and Manchin

It’s still time to remove Manchin from his dirty dealing chair

As we’ve been telling you, Senator Joe Manchin (jerkface-WV) continues to push for his zombie like dirty deal that would fast track fossil fuel infrastructure and harmfully impact frontline communities. But we haven’t mentioned lately that in addition to threatening our climate and communities, Manchin’s dirty deal is a huge conflict of interest. Manchin still …

Stop Line 5 Respect Indigenous rights

This Indigenous People’s day, stand with native women to Stop Line 5

We’ve told you before about the dangerous Line 5 pipeline proposal and the threat it poses to our climate, and the the Great lakes – the largest source of fresh water on earth. This is the final week that the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is accepting public comments on the draft Environmental Impact Statement …

Tell FERC not to back down on Climate and Environmental Justice!

Stop FERC’s cowardly Betrayal of climate and environmental justice

In February 2022 , the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued two new rules updating how the commission reviews and approves new pipelines, Liquefied “natural” gas (LNG), gas export facilities and more. The first rule updated the 1999 rules on Natural Gas permitting to, for the first time, include environmental justice impacts. The second rule …

Methane Gas flare

Sign now to tell the EPA to crack down on methane pollution

The EPA has a chance to crack down on methane pollution and reverse the Biden Administration’s terrible track record (so far) on fossil fuels Biden’s failures are numerous: They permitted 34% more oil and gas drilling in their first year than Trump; the Department of Energy is investing billions of dollars in false solutions like …

Sen Schumer and Manchin

Climate denying coal barons can’t be in charge of Energy Policy in the US Senate

* Update * No surprise, climate-denying coal baron Joe Manchin has blocked progress on President Biden’s agenda, again. The Announcement was shocking too many not because Manchin changed his position, but because he announced it on Fox news, and broke a promise he’d made explicitly and in-person to the President and party leadership. As House …

Call now: Pass the Build back better Bill no cuts!

Everything or nothing at all: An update on the Build Back Better Act

We’ve been pushing for weeks to pass a version of President Biden’s Build Back Better Act with no cuts to climate, care, jobs or justice. Last week Sen Manchin and his Republican forced Biden to cut another ~$1.5 trillion from the bill, but there’s still a lot worth fighting for. The only thing keeping Manchin …

photo by Amanda Andrade-Rhoades | Survival Media Agency

Endgame: Now’s the time to make a call for climate action in Biden’s Build Back Better Act

We’re in the endgame of negotiations over President Biden’s Build Back Better Act. Sen Manchin and his Republican allies have forced Biden and the Democrats to cut another ~$1.5 trillion from the bill, but there’s still a lot worth fighting for. Right now, today, young people are on hunger strike outside the White House, and youth …