NO DAPL call in day meme

Make the Call to Stand with Standing Rock & Stop DAPL

Standing Rock and Cheyenne River Youth are asking you to join them in calling the White House to Shut Down the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). The Biden-Harris Administration’s Army Corps of Engineers has the opportunity to do the right thing by immediately shutting down the DAPL and revoking all permits. Taking clear action to Shut …

Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline DAPL

DAPL is still operating illegally. Help shut it down for good Thursday.

For years, we’ve fought to stop and shut down the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). If you joined us recently, DAPL is a risky oil pipeline that threatens drinking water and was built without adequate environmental analysis or Tribal consultation. Trump tried to rush the pipeline into operation when he was President. But, he was sloppy …

Stop Line 5 Respect Indigenous rights

This Indigenous People’s day, stand with native women to Stop Line 5

We’ve told you before about the dangerous Line 5 pipeline proposal and the threat it poses to our climate, and the the Great lakes – the largest source of fresh water on earth. This is the final week that the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is accepting public comments on the draft Environmental Impact Statement …

LIne 5 location from

Tell President Biden: Oil and Water don’t mix! Shut Down Line 5 now.

For decades, the Line 5 oil pipeline has been a threat to our climate, and the the Great lakes – the largest source of fresh water on earth. Only luck has prevented a major oil spill from happening in the last few years. And Enbridge, the pipeline’s owners, have repeatedly violated the law and their …

Defund Line 3 by Isaac Murdoch

This Friday, #DefundLine3!

For the last few months, we’ve been sending you updates on how you can #DefundLine3 by demanding big banks and financiers stop funding this Minnesota tar sands boondoggle. Thanks to your actions so far, bank executives have received more than 700,000 emails, 7,000 calendar invites and 3,000 phone calls. There have been protests at more …

Frontlines to DC Build back Fossil Free!

From DAPL to Line 3 RSVP to #BuildBackFossilFree

It’s no joke: On April first, frontline Indigenous youth and organizers from the Dakota Access and Line 3 pipeline fights will travel to Washington D.C. to demand that President Biden Build Back Fossil Free by stopping these climate-destroying projects. We are calling all water protectors, land defenders, climate activists and friends to join us at …

Tell Joe Biden: People Power, Not Pipelines

Digital rally to tell Joe Biden: Stop Line 3 & DAPL! People power, not Pipelines!

When Joe Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, we were elated. After years of fighting this tar sands pipeline, we finally had a President who understood the need to act – and took decisive action on his first day in office. But KXL wasn’t the only tar sands pipeline we need to stop. KXL’s twin …

Together we will #StopLine3

Sign now to stop Line 3

In his first week on the job, President Biden Canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, and paused (not stopped) oil and gas leases on public lands and waters of the US. But there’s another big, dangerous, climate-killing tar-sands pipeline under construction right now that needs to be stopped: Line 3. Line 3 is a disastrous, unnecessary, …