3 weeks to go: Big banks you’ve got mail, cut it out or we cut up our cards

As we’ve been telling you for a few weeks now, on March 21, 2023 – 3.21.23 – we will come together in the streets to demand banks stop funding climate chaos. Last week we delivered thousands of letters and petition signatures (including yours) to the banks demanding that they cut funding for fossil fuels, ro we’ll cut up our credit and debit cards with them (literally, and metaphorically).

For years, we’ve been asking these banks – Bank of America, Chase, Citibank, Wells Fargo – to change. We don’t want our money to be used by these banks to rob the coming generations of a healthy future and a livable planet. We want banks to invest in clean energy, good jobs, and climate solutions, not new pipelines, oil drilling, coal plants, and fracking.

If you didn’t get a chance to sign the pledge yet, don’t worry — you can still sign the pledge to break up with your bad bank, and deliver it at the day of action on March 21.

But for all of you that already signed: Now that we’ve delivered our demands, again, it’s time to escalate: If the banks won’t cut funding for fossil fuels, we’re prepared to cut up our credit cards and bank statements! Join us on 3.21.23, as we gather to show the strength of our movement!

You don’t need to have a credit card or bank account to participate — everyone, and all abilities, are welcome and there are roles and jobs for everyone who wants one.

Some groups are cutting up credit cards symbolically – with giant novelty scissors or electric chainsaws. Other groups are rallying outside and inside bank branches. You can take action with 2-3 friends and a sign, or with a whole crowd of hundreds. If you’re thinking about a non violent direct action of some kind, we invite you to join our friends from Climate Disobedience at a training this Thursday, March 2, to get ideas, skills and information you need to plan an event. You can also check out the Day of Action page for a host guide, toolkits, and lots of other documents.

But with our demands delivered and just 3 weeks to go until our big day of action, now is the time to plan your event. This will be a fun and powerful day with art, songs, and community amplifying our collective call to the banks: Quit funding fossil fuels or we will quit your banks!

Join us on 3.21.23 Day of Action to Stop Dirty Banks!


  1. STOP FUNDING FOSSIL FUEL! It demises our world. At the.high cost of lives. Don’t line your pockets.

  2. Pingback:This shareholder season, send a message the big banks and investors can't ignore. - 198 methods