No time to stop taking action: Tell Biden to declare a climate emergency!

From October 11-15, thousands marched to the White House to demand that President Biden stop all new fossil fuel projects and declare a climate emergency. More than 650 of us participated in civil disobedience and were arrested, and the Biden-Harris White House was forced to respond.

Biden is due to leave for the international climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, this weekend.

Before he goes, will you tell him to take action, declare a climate emergency, and shut down fossil fuels in accord with the demands of our week of action?

Take action Now:

(Scroll down for more context, photos and videos of our week of action) President Biden promised to address the climate emergency and confront a legacy of environmental injustice, but so far, his administration continues to allow the fossil fuel industry to drive climate change, poison communities, and violate Indigenous rights.

President Biden, ahead of the COP26 United Nations climate summit, you cannot claim to be a climate leader when you are still supporting fossil fuels. Stand with frontline communities, protect future generations, stop approving fossil fuel projects, and declare a climate emergency now.

President Biden and his press team were forced to respond to our actions in DC, but he still has not committed to taking action at the scale we need. His Build Back Better Bill is stuck in negotiations; He still hasn’t declared a climate emergency, and instead of cancelling fossil fuel projects like Line 3, he published a lame website announcing all his cabinet members (13!) who are going to Scotland with him.

This isn’t the climate action we need, and nobody elected climate deniers like Joe Manchin to run the United States’ policy on this crisis. We need President Biden to step up and declare a climate emergency before he leaves for the UN climate talks in Scotland.

President Biden promised to address the climate emergency and confront a legacy of environmental injustice, but so far, his administration continues to allow the fossil fuel industry to drive climate change, poison communities, and violate Indigenous rights.

President Biden cannot claim to be a climate leader at the COP26 United Nations climate summit when he is still supporting fossil fuels. Tell him to stand with frontline communities, protect future generations, stop approving fossil fuel projects, and declare a climate emergency now. 

PS Check out the incredible photos of our actions from Survival Media Agency, press releases from each day on our website, and more great content at the #PeoplevsFossilFuels tag on Twitter



    President Biden- What are you thinking?
    You need to stop the burning of fossil fuels NOW-
    I know you have children and grandchildren- Cease the use of fossil fuels now!

  2. Pingback:Write your local paper: Biden must Build Back Fossil Free - 198 methods

  3. We have run out of time, President Biden for our children and grandchildren unless you declare AN EMERGENCY NOW.


  4. Don’t let the previous administrations actions to harm the planet be permanent. Turn it around now because we are running out of time.

  5. Protecting our earth against climate change means protecting our children’s future! Reduce and end fossil fuels. We can no longer afford the effects of fossils fuels, oil spills, contamination of our waterways, etc etc etc. PLEASE!

  6. Richard J. Bildstein

    Yes, It’s about time action was taken. If the fires and droughts of the far West, and the fact you can go through the Northwest Passage in the Summer time in a few weeks aren’t a sign something is wrong, then Biden and a lot of others had better take a good look at their sanity.

  7. We need politicians with courage to change the world with us. Choose pro life instead of pro death pathways. Planet Earth can not live healthy anymore. Lifecycles are being damaged. No more aggression and devastation any longer. Stop fossil fuels. The dynos went extinct do not bring us there to. Barbara

  8. Elizabeth B. Barnett

    Please reduce and stop fossil fuel everything. We need more solar and wind power and electric cars.

  9. I heartily endorse all the previous comments. The underlying culprit is human overpopulation but no leader or public agency has so far broached that subject. I fear for my grandchildren and all young people who will inherit a dystopian, uninhabitable world because of the greed of a relatively few super-wealthy masters and the puppets their money buys.

  10. Joe Biden, please help protecting the Climate for many generations to see good climate. Thanks

  11. In light of the obstruction which is ongoing in the funding of climate change, I feel it is time to determine climate change an emergency! If we don’t act drastically we will not survive.

  12. Pingback:Endgame: Now's the time to make a call for climate action in Biden's Build Back Better Act - 198 methods

  13. Please reduce and stop fossil fuel everything. We need more solar and wind power and electric cars.

  14. President Biden, as you know, we are facing a short, brutish road of pain and suffering for millions to the horizon of human extinction due to the climate crisis. Weigh in on Sen. Manchin and Sen. Sinema. Use ever tactic, pressure, and power you have. Extreme circumstances call for extreme measures. This is no time for middle of the road, niceties, and compromise.

  15. I don’t believe we can do anything as long as Joe Manchin is collecting money from coal barons. Coal is out the door.
    I don’t know how Joe Manchin sleeps at night. He is the one to put the pressure on, not Joe Biden. Joe Mancin could care less about his coal miners health issues, the land being destroyed, whether or not a hurricane hits West Virginia. It’s all about Joe Manchin lining his pockets. Good luck.

  16. We have to look forward and find ways to save the planet for our grandchildren and their children. Move beyond fossil fuel and do what you said. Build back our country cleaner.

  17. Do your job of representing the people protect us and the planet!!!!!

  18. We are desperate! Do EVERYTHING you can to save the world