Say no to New Fortress new fossil fuel export terminal

Act fast to stop the New Fortress fossil gas export boondoggle.

We told you a few weeks ago about the crazy, disaster-prone plan by New Fortress Energy to build a massive fracked gas export terminal off the coast of Louisiana, right in the heart of an environmental justice community and a likely spot for a hurricane.To be able to export the gas, New Fortress is also …

From the Gulf to Ukraine stop war and warming

From the Gulf, to DC, to Europe: Join the moral call to stop war and warming

Last week there was an explosion at a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal in Freeport, TX. The owners of the plant reported that nobody was injured, but there was a huge fireball in the sky and local authorities are not sharing much information about what happened or what chemicals and pollution might have been released …

Fight fossil fascists with solar energy

Defense Production Act victory and what comes next

Yesterday, President Joe Biden announced that he will use the Defense Production Act to expand production of US solar panels, heat pumps, and other clean energy and heating tools. In announcing the actions, the White House said “With a stronger clean energy arsenal, the United States can be an even stronger partner to our allies, …

Tell President Biden to cut the commerce department’s red tape and act on climate now!

Tell President Biden: Stop the commerce department investigation that’s killing US solar power.

Why is the Biden administration letting one small California company bring down the entire US solar industry? That’s what we, and a lot of other people, want to know. Here’s the scoop: Earlier this year a small solar panel maker in California, Auxin Solar, sent a complaint to the U.S. Department of Commerce claiming that …

Help wanted New fortress need not apply

Tell President Biden and team: new fossil fuels need not apply

Fossil fuel billionaire Wes Edens and his company New Fortress want to radically expand US shipments of liquefied fracked natural gas (LNG). All they need is an expedited permit from the Biden Administration so they can get rich while cooking the climate, polluting an already-overburdened environmental justice community in Louisiana, and dooming our climate. This …

Fight fossil fascists with solar energy

Sign now: Use the Defense Production Act to build a clean energy arsenal of freedom

For years we’ve spoken out against fossil fueled fascists, both here in the US and abroad. This week, President Biden took a big step towards fighting fossil fascism by banning all US imports of Russian fossil fuels. We were one of more than 200 groups here in the US that called on Biden to take …

Tell Joe Biden – we need a climate champ at FERC

President Joe Biden is on the cusp of naming a new commissioner to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and this decision will have a huge impact on our climate and clean energy plans – especially Biden’s promise to move all electricity generation in the US to 100% clean, renewable sources for electricity by 2035. …

Biden and Congress #BuildBackRenewable

Call, tweet, and post now to #BuildBackRenewable

Today is the last day of action with our friends at Beyond Extreme Energy to tell Congress to #BuildBackBetter by #BuildBackRenewable & #BuildbackFossilFree. In case you missed it, there’s a link to the message we sent on the first day of action below. If you have 10 minutes today to help, here’s three simple actions …

Build Back Renewable

Join the #BuildBackRenewable days of action

President Biden proposed The American Jobs Plan as a big, bold infrastructure bill to build back better, and invest billions of dollars in clean energy, electric cars and more. But while Biden’s proposal contains a lot of good ideas, it also contains many false solutions and vague definitions that could be turned into benefits for …