strike divest vote

Earth Day Live 2020

This week, millions will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. It should have been a day of rallies and protests, concerts and action in the streets. But, as we’ve explained, this year, however, is anything but normal. Instead of mass protests, from April 22 to 24 we’re joining a massive online action for Earth …

Earth Day to May Day

Shut Down DC, Earth Day to May Day Starts Tomorrow!

From April 22-24, we’re going to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, as part of the massive Earth Day Live 2020 event online. The next week, we’re taking bold action online and in the streets (safely) of DC to Shut Down the status quo – which continues to approve pipelines, permit racism, and prolong …

Bank financing of fossil fuels is on the rise

Join us for the Bank of America Shareholder meeting

From April 22-24, the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, millions of people around the world are going online for a three-day mobilization to stop the climate emergency. And on Earth day – Wednesday, April 22 – Bank of America is holding their Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Shareholders. As shareholders show up online for the …

Tell Congress to bailout #PeoplenotPolluters

Use the power of art and social media to bail out #PeopleNotPolluters

For the last few weeks, thousands of us have been sending letters to Congress telling them to bail out #PeopleNotPolluters. But the pandemic has disrupted daily life for our elected leaders as well, and we’re hearing that most congressional offices are flooded in emails, and don’t have good systems for answering the phones while all …

Tell Congress to bailout #PeoplenotPolluters

Tell Congress to bailout #PeopleNotPolluters

A few weeks ago, thousands of us took action to tell congress to prioritize people, not polluters in the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act signed into law on March 27. Now, a new version is under debate in Congress, and the fossil fuel industry is working overtime to make sure …

Join the Wet'suwet'en day of action!

Sign Now: Wet’suwet’en solidarity in the face of disaster capitalism

As I type this, in the midst of a pandemic, the Wet’suwet’en First Nation in Canada is under attack by the same company behind the KeystoneXL pipeline. We’ve seen this again and again over the last few days: Billionaire oil CEOs and industry lobbyists see the corona virus crisis as an opportunity to push through …

Shut Down KKR day of action March 23

Join the Wet’suwet’en Strong day of action!

Despite the COVID-19 crisis, TC Energy is still going ahead with construction of the Coastal GasLink pipeline, putting communities and their workers at even more risk. We need all eyes on the Wet’suwet’en frontlines right now. Billionaire oil CEOs and industry lobbyists will see this crisis as an opportunity to push through whatever they can when …

Stop Jordan Cove - sign now

Bad news about FERC & Jordan Cove

As we feared, and warned only yesterday, in the midst of the global pandemic the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) conditionally approved the Jordan Cove fracked gas export terminal and Pacific Connector pipeline today. The approval is conditioned on Pembina, the Canadian fossil fuel corporation behind the project, qualifying for critical permits from the state …