Sign now to stop Line 3

In his first week on the job, President Biden Canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, and paused (not stopped) oil and gas leases on public lands and waters of the US. But there’s another big, dangerous, climate-killing tar-sands pipeline under construction right now that needs to be stopped: Line 3.

Line 3 is a disastrous, unnecessary, tar sands pipeline that would create more pollution than 50 coal plants, threaten hundreds of waterways with oil spills and leaks, and violate the treaty rights of several tribes. The pipeline has been fiercely challenged by a coalition of Indigenous leaders, grassroots organizations, youth, and environmental groups. Last week, a team chained themselves to barrels and (in an amusing musical twist) a piano, in the path of an access road to shut down construction.

But despite their courage, leal actions, and non-violent direct action, Enbridge is pushing ahead with construction of Line 3. Bulldozers and drilling equipment are on site – and they’re close to breaching a critical river crossing under the Mississippi river. Can you raise your voice online in support of Minnesota water protectors by signing on to this petition now?

President Biden can revoke the water permits granted by Trump, but he’ll only act if we generate enough public pressure. That’s why we’ve joined with MN350, Honor the Earth, and dozens of other groups to deliver thousands of petitions calling on Biden to stop Line 3.

Indigenous leaders and our allies in Minnesota have been fighting this project for years. We’ve been emailing you about Line 3 for years, but especially in the last few weeks – as state and local regulators tossed the hot potato of approvals around, ultimately clearing the way for construction to start at the end of 2020.*

Now is the last possible moment for the President, and you, to take action. Trees are being cleared, bulldozers and drilling equipment are parked on the banks of the Mississippi, ready to mow through wild rice beds, more than 800 wetlands, as well as lands sacred to the Ojibwe and other indigenous people.

When we took action to demand Biden stop the Keystone Pipeline, he did it on his first day as President. After years of campaigning for an end to fossil fuel leases on public lands, President Biden paused those very same leases as part of a sweeping series of climate executive orders. When we take action, President Biden hears us. And his administration is willing to go farther than any other in history to address our concerns.

But we’re running our of time to stop Line 3. Sign our petition now, so we can deliver all the names right away and make sure Biden stops this disastrous Tar sands pipeline for good!

*PS if you want a great illustration and explanation of how we got here, check out this funny and fast explainer of the regulatory process for Line 3.


  1. Pingback:Digital rally to tell Joe Biden: Stop Line 3 & DAPL! People power, not Pipelines! | 198 methods

  2. Don’t contaminate the land and water.
    Why do we need more oil?
    Who does it serve ?
    Use renewables last longer
    Creates jobs
    Better for future generations.
    Get with it Joe !