Trump is a Fossil Fueled Fascist

Still right about Trump, the courts, and fossil fueled fascists

On a very busy Thursday for the climate and #StopLNG movement, the US Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Colorado’s case over whether Trump should be barred from the ballot because he led the Jan. 6, 2021 violent insurrection at the US capitol. We’ve told you before how both Maine and Colorado barred Donald Trump …

Sen Schumer and Manchin

Tell Manchin: Keep your dirty hands off President Biden’s LNG pause

Quick Feb 9 update – Video report below but the quick synopsis is this: Manchin and his friends held their hearing Thursday morning, but we made sure it did not go quietly. About two dozen protestors snuck into the hearing and interrupted Manchin and his hand-picked fossil fuel witnesses (but not the DOE official who …

Divest defund, and uninsure Rio Grande LNG and all climate chaos

Divest, de-fund, and uninsure climate chaos

Late last year, we asked several times to sign petitions, send comments, and take action aimed at getting the Biden Administration to stop the fossil fuel exports, especially LNG, that are wrecking our climate progress. Thanks to your support we’ve already delivered more than 200,000 comments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the US …

FERC vs the World over LNG

Not too late and none too early to stop CP2 and LNG too

December 19 update for FERC meeting – Good morning activists! Today is the day of FERC’s last Commissioners’ meeting of 2023 and we’ve got some extra actions you can take to help us deliver the message to stop CP2 and LNG too! First of all, just because FERC isn’t voting on the CP2 export terminal …

BIden Declare a Climate Emergency poster by Denali Nalamalapu

The most important two words at tonight’s State of the Union: Climate. Emergency.

Tonight is the State of the Union address, where the President visits Congress to tell them his plans for the year ahead, and to brag on his achievements from last year. In the course of the speech tonight, Biden will probably talk about climate change, specifically the Inflation reduction Act and its various tax credits …

Say no to New Fortress new fossil fuel export terminal

Act fast to stop the New Fortress fossil gas export boondoggle.

We told you a few weeks ago about the crazy, disaster-prone plan by New Fortress Energy to build a massive fracked gas export terminal off the coast of Louisiana, right in the heart of an environmental justice community and a likely spot for a hurricane.To be able to export the gas, New Fortress is also …

This weekend, meet us in Baton Rouge for Climate Justice and Joy

For a long time, 198 methods has been dedicated to saving all we love about the Gulf coast: The environment, the culture and music, and most of all the people of the US’ too-often overlooked third coast. Make no mistake, the fossil fuel industry is working overtime to destroy everything we hold dear. They’re in …

Help wanted New fortress need not apply

Tell President Biden and team: new fossil fuels need not apply

Fossil fuel billionaire Wes Edens and his company New Fortress want to radically expand US shipments of liquefied fracked natural gas (LNG). All they need is an expedited permit from the Biden Administration so they can get rich while cooking the climate, polluting an already-overburdened environmental justice community in Louisiana, and dooming our climate. This …

tell KKR: no dirty pipeline

Join the #ShutDownKKR communications blockade!

For five years, TC Energy (formally Trans Canada), the same company behind the KeystoneXL pipeline, has been trying to build the Coastal GasLink pipeline on sovereign Wet’suwet’en land. We’ve told you before about how they are doing this despite opposition from the hereditary chiefs of the Wet’suwet’en, whose rights and title require their consent, not …

Join the Wet'suwet'en day of action!

ShutDownKKR communications blockade

Once you’ve sent your letter, use the tools on this page to support our #ShutDownKKR communications blockade and stand with indigenous leaders to stop the Coastal Gaslink Pipeline! Can’t call or tweet today? Chip in $1.98 to keep us fighting. Need more info? See the previous post. ShutDownKKR Call Script Call KKR by dialing 1- …