We shut down coal, now help us snuff out gas in New England

We shut down coal in New England. Now, let’s snuff out gas.

Have you heard the news? After years of campaigning, we’ve got a shut down date for the last coal-fired power plant in New England – now let’s snuff out gas. The Merrimack generating station in Bow, New Hampshire, is closing for good and being replaced with a renewable energy park! Thanks to all of you …

Say no to New Fortress new fossil fuel export terminal

Act fast to stop the New Fortress fossil gas export boondoggle.

We told you a few weeks ago about the crazy, disaster-prone plan by New Fortress Energy to build a massive fracked gas export terminal off the coast of Louisiana, right in the heart of an environmental justice community and a likely spot for a hurricane.To be able to export the gas, New Fortress is also …

Help wanted New fortress need not apply

Tell President Biden and team: new fossil fuels need not apply

Fossil fuel billionaire Wes Edens and his company New Fortress want to radically expand US shipments of liquefied fracked natural gas (LNG). All they need is an expedited permit from the Biden Administration so they can get rich while cooking the climate, polluting an already-overburdened environmental justice community in Louisiana, and dooming our climate. This …

Methane Gas flare

Sign now to tell the EPA to crack down on methane pollution

The EPA has a chance to crack down on methane pollution and reverse the Biden Administration’s terrible track record (so far) on fossil fuels Biden’s failures are numerous: They permitted 34% more oil and gas drilling in their first year than Trump; the Department of Energy is investing billions of dollars in false solutions like …

Ban LNG by rail!

Ban the Bomb Trains: Comment now to stop LNG by rail

This is the last week to stop a fossil fuel project, LNG by rail, in its TRACKS! The fossil fuel industry has been getting away with transporting explosive and flammable liquefied natural gas (LNG) by rail since the Trump Administration. These “bomb trains” put millions of people in harm’s way and threaten our climate. Pete …

Gov newsom: Shut down Aliso Canyon Now!

It’s past time to shut down Aliso Canyon for good!

It’s been six years since the Aliso Canyon Gas Storage Facility blowout – the worst in US history that forced thousands to evacuate and was a climate and health disaster. And this week, November 18th, will mark the two years since Governor Newsom directed the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to shut down the facility …