Biden permitted SPOT but there's still time to fix it

A big dirty SPOT on Biden’s climate record

A few weeks ago, the Biden administration has approved the construction of the Sea Port Oil Terminal, or SPOT, over our very loud objections. SPOT is poised to be the biggest offshore oil terminal in the U.S, which will increase cancer-causing air pollutants in Texas’ Brazoria and Harris counties and make climate change worse. The …

Rebkah Hinojosa quote

Tell President Biden and the Coast Guard to stop SPOT – the Sea Port Oil Terminal

Nov 22 Update: The Biden Administration has unfortunately (and frustratingly) approved the application for the Sea Port Oil Terminal (SPOT). This is the offshore oil export terminal we told you about a few moths ago (see below for the original post) that will increase cancer-causing air pollutants in Texas’ Brazoria and Harris counties and make …

Call Sec haaland to Stop the Sale

Tell Interior Sec. Deb Haaland to Stop the Sale and save the climate!

One week after COP26, and despite our strong objection, President Biden and Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland hosted the largest oil & gas offshore lease sale in US history: 80 million acres of public waters for drilling. This is a clear violation of President Biden’s promises during his campaign, and puts Biden on track to approve …

Deb 4 Interior

A long time coming: Help us Confirm Deb Haaland this week

President Biden has nominated Congresswoman Deb Haaland to be the next Interior Secretary. It’s an historic choice, and this agency is crucial to the Biden team’s plans to Build Back Better and tackle the climate crisis by Building back fossil free. Unfortunately, Republican Senators who were willing to support for Donald Trump’s racist, climate denying …

Deb Haaland BeFierce poster

Tell the Senate: #BeFierce & confirm Deb Haaland Interior Secretary

President Joe Biden has picked Deb Haaland to be his Secretary of the Interior. It’s exactly the kinds of barrier breaking, fossil fuel busting, build-back-better choice we had in mind when we started talking about the need for a Fossil Free Cabinet. If confirmed, Haaland wouldn’t just be the first indigenous woman to run the …

Fossil free cabinet

Biden’s cabinet is going off the rails, into climate chaos.

Last week we wrote to you about the important chance to make sure Joe Biden picks climate activists, not corporate cronies, for his cabinet. Since then, unfortunately, the process has dissolved into a disorganized hodgepodge of favor-trading, corruption, and skin deep lip service for progressive values. This was supposed to be a moment for experience, …

Fossil Free Cabinet

It’s time for a non-corporate, fossil free cabinet

For the last four years, we’ve witnessed the unchecked racism, environmental damage, and sheer incompetence of having the White House and Administration run by corporate fossil fuel flunkies. Thanks to our work and the work of many others to block Trump’s attempts to undermine the election and overturn the results, and thanks to the votes …

Fire William Pendley

Fire William Pendley, Trump’s racist, climate denying public lands director

If you’ve been paying attention for the last 3 years, it won’t shock you to learn that William Pendley, Trump’s Acting Director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), is a climate-denying white nationalist. But even in Trump’s swamp, Pendley is worth paying attention to – because this corrupt critter is dangerous, dirty and Congress …

Our Bernhardt Billboard is turning heads

Corrupt and Corrupter – an update on Sec. Bernhardt

To help drive home the point that David Bernhard, Trump’s climate-denying Interior Secretary, is one of the most corrupt members of the cabinet, our allies this week are driving a giant billboard around the streets of Washington DC. But, well, you sort of have to see it: “This billboard, which should turn some heads, would …

Bernhardt is too corrupt to go on

Tell Congress: Bernhardt is Too Corrupt to Continue

We’ve told you before about David Bernhardt, Trump’s latest (not the first) corrupt, climate-denying Secretary of the Interior. Last time we updated you, Bernhardt had just been confirmed despite nearly 200,000 of signatures opposing his nomination. The vote was largely along party lines, with the same three same Democrats who voted against the Green New Deal …