The brave little grl statue on wall street faces down a charging bull a burning planet and Donald Trump to symbolize banks funding fossil fuels and fascism

Wall Street banks fund fossil fuels and fascism

Yesterday, I wrote an update on how Wall Street banks and hedge funds are investing in fossil fuels and climate chaos. Today I’m here to tell you how they’re funding fascism and Donald Trump. Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and JP Morgan Chase are some of the biggest donors to the Heritage Foundation. The Heritage …

The Brave little girl statue on Wall Street stares down an image of the charging bull and a planet on fire symbolizing the wall street banks investment in climate chaos

Wall street banks are invested in climate chaos. Sign now to tell them to stop funding fossil fuels.

Even as climate-fueled disasters continue to ravage our communities, Wall Street banks continue to lend our money —billions upon billions of dollars of it — to fossil fuel projects every year. Last year was the hottest year ever recorded. Every month this year has set a new global heat record. And just days ago scientists …

United with the UAW for a strong contract, just Transition, & clean cars, NOW

Let’s win a fair contract for UAW workers and the climate!

October 26 update – Ford and the U.A.W. have reached a tentative contract agreement. That means our pressure is working, and thousands of Ford workers can get back to work from the picket lines while they consider this contract. But it also means that pressure is increasing on General Motors and Stellantis (which makes Jeeps, …

Banking on climate chaos 2023 header

The Federal Reserve won’t save us from climate chaos. What will?

In this summer of global climate chaos – Hawaii burned, the Panama Canal ran dry, Greece underwater (and also on fire), millions of Americans living under heat advisories this week (and most weeks this summer) – the Federal Reserve held a week long meeting on “Reassessing Constraints on the Economy and Policy.” But Fed Chair …

Starbucks this is your sign to be kind to your workers and stop union busting

This Wednesday, stand with Starbucks workers for people and planet

For more than a year, Starbucks workers have joined together, raised their voices, cast ballots and gone on strike to demand Starbucks respect their right to a union. Workers are asking for simple things, like a voice in their workplace over pay and scheduling. Starbucks, which posted $3.3 billion in profits last year, has responded …

Demand Starbucks stop breaking their climate pledge

Meet me Friday to stand up to Starbucks greenwashing and bullying

All this month, we’ve been telling you about climate hypocrites at Starbucks coffee. The global coffee giant promised to cut global warming pollution in half in 2019. Instead, their pollution and emissions have increased every year. Likewise, Starbucks says they care about their staff — Baristas and other staff are overwhelmingly young, climate-minded, often queer …