Tell President Biden to declare a climate emergency

It’s still time for President Biden to declare a climate emergency.

President Biden is hosting a party at the White House today to celebrate the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). But when the party is over and the applause dies dies down America will still be facing a climate emergency — and it will still be time for President Biden to declare one. While …

Frozen power lines

Tell FEMA to prioritize climate disaster relief for Black and brown communities hit first and worst.

We’ve said again and again that Dr Bullard has it right: Climate chaos hits Black and brown communities first and worst. Exhibit A remains the US Gulf South: In February 2021, an Arctic blast brought devastation to communities across the Gulf, with particularly intense impacts for Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and Caribbean communities. And research shows …

No new Federal Fossil Fuels rally at COP26

Tell Biden: Keep your promise. Stop the Gulf lease sale!

President Biden and his Interior Department need to act fast to cancel next week’s Gulf lease sale – known as sale 257. Despite promising climate action, Biden’s Department of Interior is scheduled to sell more than 80 million acres of the Gulf for oil and gas drilling and fracking. To add insult to this grave injury …

Joe Biden at a Build Back Better Rally

Write your local paper: Biden must Build Back Fossil Free

Biden made a clear and simple promise on the campaign trail to “Build Back Better.” But Biden can’t do that unless he Builds Back Fossil Free. For months we’ve been campaigning to get Biden to live up to his promises on the campaign trail with these actions:  Protect and invest in the Black, Indigenous, People …

Indigenous leaders and allies with raised fists at the White House protest

No time to stop taking action: Tell Biden to declare a climate emergency!

From October 11-15, thousands marched to the White House to demand that President Biden stop all new fossil fuel projects and declare a climate emergency. More than 650 of us participated in civil disobedience and were arrested, and the Biden-Harris White House was forced to respond. Biden is due to leave for the international climate …

Indigenous leaders and allies with raised fists at the White House protest

Thanks for signing the petition! Take the next step:

Thanks for signing the petition! Now, will you take the next step and call President Biden and tell him to stop all new fossil fuel projects and declare a climate emergency? If you can’t call right now, consider chipping in $1.98 or whatever you can to support this campaign. President Biden has the authority through …