President Biden and Puerto Rican Governor Pierluisi in front of a super imposed image of Huricaine Fiona and a flooded street

Puerto Rico needs a reliable, clean, electric grid – not hugs and prayers.

President Biden made a welcome and empathetic trip to Puerto Rico this week. No paper towels were thrown. Don’t get me wrong, Biden is doing a much better job at disaster recovery than the defeated fossil fueled fascist Trump. But Puerto Rico needs more than prayers and empathy, they need a functioning power grid that’s …

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Thanks for signing – Can you help these local PR groups?

Thanks for signing our petition Below are some tools to share the action with your networks online. Because Congress isn’t able to send the full aid package quickly, we’re also including links to some local groups in Puerto Rico. If you wan to bypass the racist Trump regime and fund direct aid to the people …

Sign here to support disaster relief for Puerto Rico and all Americans.

Trump’s racist, climate denying Puerto Rico Policy

Last summer, more than 70,000 of us wrote, called and spoke out to Demand Congress send emergency relief money to Puerto Rico despite the Trump Administration’s racist objections. More than 200 days later, and after Puerto Rico has been rocked by earthquakes left more than 8,000 people without a safe home to sleep in, Ben …

Sign here to support disaster relief for Puerto Rico and all Americans.

UPDATE: Disaster relief bill passes Congress

Thanks again for signing our petition asking Congress to pass climate-disaster relief for Puerto Rico and all Americans. Good news – thanks to your voice and the voices of more than 70,000 others – Congress voted this week to concur with the Senate’s changes and send the $19 billion disaster relief bill to Donald Trump. …

Sign here to support disaster relief for Puerto Rico and all Americans.

It took a tornado in the Capitol to pass this disaster relief bill. Make sure Trump signs it

Earlier today, the Senate passed a disaster relief package that’s been held up for months by partisan bickering and Trump’s racism. It’s an important step toward getting the billions of dollars in disaster aid that we desperately need to respond to the last two years of climate fueled super storms. Ironically, the vote happened minutes …