From the Gulf to Ukraine stop war and warming

From the Gulf, to DC, to Europe: Join the moral call to stop war and warming

Last week there was an explosion at a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal in Freeport, TX. The owners of the plant reported that nobody was injured, but there was a huge fireball in the sky and local authorities are not sharing much information about what happened or what chemicals and pollution might have been released …

Fight fossil fascists with solar energy

Defense Production Act victory and what comes next

Yesterday, President Joe Biden announced that he will use the Defense Production Act to expand production of US solar panels, heat pumps, and other clean energy and heating tools. In announcing the actions, the White House said “With a stronger clean energy arsenal, the United States can be an even stronger partner to our allies, …

Tell President Biden to repeal Nationwide Permit 12

Tell President Biden: Close the Nationwide Permit loophole. No more pipelines!

​Greedy companies are using a loophole in federal law called Nationwide Permit (NWP) 12 to ram through fossil fuel pipelines and other infrastructure at the cost of our climate and communities. But thanks to an executive order from President Biden regarding environmental justice, climate change and drinking water, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) …

Methane Gas flare

Sign now to tell the EPA to crack down on methane pollution

The EPA has a chance to crack down on methane pollution and reverse the Biden Administration’s terrible track record (so far) on fossil fuels Biden’s failures are numerous: They permitted 34% more oil and gas drilling in their first year than Trump; the Department of Energy is investing billions of dollars in false solutions like …

People Vs Fossil Fuels

Find your courage and meet us in DC Oct 11-15. People Vs Fossil Fuels

When he visited New Jersey and New York to tour the flooding damage from Hurricane Ida, the latest climate-fueled super-storm to kill dozens and displace thousands of Americans, President Biden said climate change was a “Code Red” threat. His words echoed the statement by United Nations Secretary General António Guterres a few weeks ago in …

The names and addresses of the people who made Hurricane Ida worse

On the 16th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina’s landfall, another climate-fueled superstorm — Ida — hit the Louisiana coast just outside New Orleans. It’s one of the strongest storms in recorded history, but it wont be the last. While those with the means are escaping, those without in New Orleans, especially poor, black, brown and indigenous …

Build Back Renewable

Join the #BuildBackRenewable days of action

President Biden proposed The American Jobs Plan as a big, bold infrastructure bill to build back better, and invest billions of dollars in clean energy, electric cars and more. But while Biden’s proposal contains a lot of good ideas, it also contains many false solutions and vague definitions that could be turned into benefits for …

Biden and fossil meme

Chip in for another 50 days of bold climate action. Biden Style!

Yesterday, on Joe Biden’s 54th day as President, Deb Haaland was confirmed as Interior Secretary by the US Senate. It’s a capstone on what has been, by all accounts, a wildly successful first half of of President Biden’s first 100 days. And it sets and even higher bar for the next 50 days which will …

Build back Fossil Free

Tell Biden to Build Back Fossil Free

Tomorrow, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be inaugurated as the 46th President and Vice President of the United states. They’ll take take over a country ravaged by pandemic, convulsed by a white supremacist coup attempt, and reeling from four years of Trump’s climate denial and fossil fueled fascism. Biden and team have promised to …

Dirty Dishonest Dominion Energy CEO Tom Farrell

Don’t let Dominion exec’s off the hook for the ACP

Like all of you, we cheered big hearty cheers when the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) was finally abandoned by Duke and Dominion. We’d been fighting that racist, climate-killing, ratepayer-busting pipeline for years. And for all the time we were fighting the pipeline, the people who stood to profit were the corporate executives at Duke and …