pass the EJ for All Act

Sign Now for Environmental Justice for All

We’ve told you before about the newly re-named and re-introduced A. Donald McEachin Environmental Justice For All Act. The bill was reintroduced in late March by Rep. Grijalva, Rep. Barbara Lee, and Senators Tammy Duckworth and Cory Booker. And it is still the gold standard for how to guarantee every American’s right to clean air, …

Voting and other ways not to freak out about the election

Our guide to totally not freaking out about the mid term election

A lot of people are freaking out about the mid term election today. At 198 methods, we do digital support for non violent, climate revolutionaries. Which causes some people to ask us why we talk about elections and voting at all, or why we don’t talk about them more. So here’s a quick video and …

Wall Street’s Moment of Truth: Defund Climate Chaos

*Update* For the next eight weeks we’re taking the fight to the shareholder meetings of every major US bank and several major insurance companies. This is a real opportunity for change, because every single shareholder meeting will have a vote on whether or not to end support for fossil fuel expansion. If you want to …

Call Sec haaland to Stop the Sale

Tell Interior Sec. Deb Haaland to Stop the Sale and save the climate!

One week after COP26, and despite our strong objection, President Biden and Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland hosted the largest oil & gas offshore lease sale in US history: 80 million acres of public waters for drilling. This is a clear violation of President Biden’s promises during his campaign, and puts Biden on track to approve …

People Vs Fossil Fuels

Find your courage and meet us in DC Oct 11-15. People Vs Fossil Fuels

When he visited New Jersey and New York to tour the flooding damage from Hurricane Ida, the latest climate-fueled super-storm to kill dozens and displace thousands of Americans, President Biden said climate change was a “Code Red” threat. His words echoed the statement by United Nations Secretary General António Guterres a few weeks ago in …

Stop Drop Roll, Ca Youth v Big oil

California Youth v Big oil

April 22 is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and we’d planned to make it a BIG one. Hundreds of organizations representing millions of people worldwide were planning a massive global strike. The plan was awesome, and audacious: with the first day (April 22) focused on protest and climate history; the second day (April 23) …

Stop Danly, Trumps latest FERC nominee

Trump’s newest FERC nominee is just as corrupt as you think.

We’ve written before about how the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) rubber stamps new pipelines and fossil fuel infrastructure, locking us into decades fo climate chaos. And in particular how Trump’s FERC has acted again and again to prioritize fossil fuel profits over the health, safety and civil rights of American citizens. So, in context, …

mayors can save net neutrality

Your mayor could save Net Neutrality

Late last year, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) caved to corporate interests and voted to eliminate Net Neutrality; That’s the basic concept that your internet provider cannot slow down your browsing on certain pages, block websites, or charge apps and sites extra fees to reach an audience. All legal content is treated the same. It’s been …

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