Trump is a Fossil Fueled Fascist

Fossil Fueled Fascists

*UPDATE* It’s official, Trump is planning a press conference on Jan 6, 2022, the one year anniversary of the Capitol riot and attempted overthrow of American Democracy. A lot of people think Trump will take this opportunity to announce he’s running for President again in 2024. For sure, it is a moment he intends to …

Build back Fossil Free sticker

Thanks for supporting our work this year – can we send you a free sticker?

Thank you for supporting 198 methods this year! In the last 12 months we’ve done a ton of important work focussed on President Joe Biden — from pressuring Congress to confirm key Biden cabinet members like Deb Haaland, to protesting outside the White House for a whole week with the People vs Fossil Fuels action. …

Biden and fossil meme

Chip in for another 50 days of bold climate action. Biden Style!

Yesterday, on Joe Biden’s 54th day as President, Deb Haaland was confirmed as Interior Secretary by the US Senate. It’s a capstone on what has been, by all accounts, a wildly successful first half of of President Biden’s first 100 days. And it sets and even higher bar for the next 50 days which will …

convict or be complicit banner near the capitol

Convict, Expel, stop Trump and his enablers

Trump’s second impeachment trial in the Senate continues today, with House Impeachment managers expected to wrap up their presentation. In a crucial, early, vote six Republicans joined all 50 Democrats in voting that the trial is constitutional and should proceed. We’ve got just a few more days to convince 17 Republicans to join all 50 …

Firefighter and Koala in Australia

2020 foresight

2020 and the new decade are not off to a very encouraging start: Australia is on fire. So is the Amazon and there was just a huge oil spill in Brazil. Puerto Rico is being rocked by earthquakes even as it struggles to get the relief money Congress appropriated, and which Trump’s racist administration still …

2019 in photos

It’s almost 2020 and you look great! Here’s a quick retrospective on the last year of action and work, as told through some of my favorite pictures and memes. Take a gander, and if you’re so-inclined, chip in here to support another year of banner-dropping, Trump-impeaching, arrest-risking, action and fun! Here’s a little more background …

The United Nations Says we're moving too slow on climate

4 charts and a mission

UPDATE: Since I wrote this earlier, I’ve come across two good discussions on the role of “Hope” in the face of these charts and the overwhelming science of climate change. This interview with scientists and experts contrasts these same 4 charts with what gives them hope. This really good thread and podcast discussion by The Hot Take co-founder Mary Annaïse Heglar makes the …

FIREFIGHTER stencil Cesar Maxit

Global Climate Strike report: #StrikeWithUs & shut it down

Before the global climate strike week of action, I told you that 198 methods was built for this. Every petition you signed online, every Trump official we forced to resign, every action we took at FERC, at a bank, at a Governor’s office in NY or NC, it’s been in preparation for this kind of …

No More Climate deniers in charge of US climate policy

Bad news & why we fight on

Bad news first: This week the Senate confirmed Kelly Craft to serve as Trump’s corrupt, climate-denying ambassador to the United Nations. The vote was mostly along party lines with only five Democrats betraying their principles, values and common sense vote for Craft. There’s no upside to Craft being approved. But the vote frames two important …