Dear President Biden declare a climate emergency, now.

News of the climate crisis this week is intense: Record setting heat waves all over the country, not to mention in India and Pakistan, wildfires burning out of control in half a dozen states, and more. For more than a year we’ve called on President Biden to stop responding to disasters one at a time and use his powers to declare a climate emergency.

It’s not just a declaration: invoking emergency powers would give the President more powers to and stop federal approval of all new fossil fuel projects and curtail some of the worst plans to export oil and gas. But just like with the Defense Production Act, Biden is unlikely to invoke emergency powers unless he’s pressured by the public. Which is why I’m excited about the release of a new documentary short film by Jon Bowermaster: Dear President Biden. Can you join us this thursday at 7pmET / 4pm PT for an online film premier?

The film shares stories from leaders of the People vs. Fossil Fuels coalition and features lots of footage from our mobilization last October. It also has intimate interviews with the people leading fossil fuel resistance and fighting to protect their communities, water, and public health. Throughout the film, these leaders share why President Biden must take bold action to address the climate crisis.

On Thursday we’ll gather online for a 35-minute screening of this film, followed by a discussion with the filmmaker and some of the organizers and climate activists featured in the film. We will also share ways to get involved in our campaign to hold President Biden accountable to his climate promises.

RSVP to join us on June 23 for the premiere screening and conversation. See you there!

One Comment

  1. yes, get a momentum going for climate change. Did you see what Germany did for their part? For 9 Euros a month they can use public transportation as many times, everywhere?? Their transportation is high class, and mostly very frequent, like every 15 minutes!! The busses in my town run only every 45 minutes and less on weekends!! Nor do the stops have color coded maps!!