How to Protect the Results

Well, it happened almost exactly like we predicted: Biden is on track to win the election, but Trump has already declared victory and is using the courts, directed mobs, and the full power of the executive branch to try and steal the election.

If you’ve seen and heard enough, then sign up to join a local Protect the Results rally near you this week and help us demand that every vote is counted, and that the winner, not Donald Trump, gets the presidency:

Here’s what’s happened: As expected, on election day Nov 3, an historic 169 million+ votes were cast. Because of the pandemic, many of those ballots were cast by mail, and as a result of the so-called red-mirage this made it appear that Donald Trump was in the lead for some of the time, in some of the states. But as counting of ballots has continued, Biden is pulling ahead and once all the ballots are counted (sometime between now and Dec 8) we’re sure Joe Biden will win the election

Also as expected, Trump declared ‘victory’ in defiance of the results, and US election law, early this morning. Since then, Trump and his enablers have been using legal challenges, directed mobs, and the full power of the Executive branch to try and steal the election. 

That means that even though states have until Dec 8 to finalize election results, Nov 5-12 will be a critical time to Protect the Results and demand that all votes are counted. It’s also essential that we don’t leave that up to lawyers and courts, which Trump has just packed with his justices. The best way to protect the results is for citizens to show up in the streets and public spaces en masse to demand all votes are counted.

We haven’t been idle. Today activists took to the streets in DC, San Francisco, and other cities. Tomorrow and over the next few days there are hundreds of events planned all over the country where you can show up to demand all the votes are counted, and that the people are allowed to choose their government (not the other way around). Use the map above to find an event near you this week.

If you’re in DC, make sure to join our friends from Shut Down DC again for a rally and moving action by bike, car, or on foot to surround the White House

And we’ll leave you with the advice I added to a message from the inspiring Kentucky Senate Candidate Charles Booker. We are the ones we have been waiting for. We are built for the work we must do. And together, I still believe that we will win:


  1. Count every vote!

  2. The USA needs to become more transparent than Trump and his blind followers have been during the four years of a failed presidency.

    We citizens need to have our faith restored in our participation in the process of electing people to office.

  3. Pingback:We Decide. Join us Saturday. | 198 methods

  4. Pingback:Count every vote, 'cause every vote counts. | 198 methods

  5. Stop Trump from Cheating.Protect the power of the polls.Stop him anyway you must,but he must get in line and follow the rules.I can’t be there to support,but to all you brave protesters,do this for our country,and I don’t consider part of our Democracy anymore.He has tried to many tomes to burn it down,and is still going clean until the end. Cheers and Good Luck Michael Hopkins Lewistown,P.A.

  6. Here’s what’s happened: As expected, on election day Nov 3, an historic 169 million+ votes were cast. Because of the pandemic, many of those ballots were cast by mail, and as a result of the so-called red-mirage this made it appear that Donald Trump was in the lead for some of the time, in some of the states. But as counting of ballots has continued, Biden is pulling ahead and once all the ballots are counted (sometime between now and Dec 8) we’re sure Joe Biden will win the election.

  7. I think that if Trump & Co are going to challenge thr Presidential vote that Democrats should challenge the Senate vot and demand a recount of every single Senate vote. It would be very interesting indeed to see if there are irregularities.

  8. Democracy
    That is what we have. And the bottom line in a democracy is a Government for and by the people.
    Every Vote counts !!!

  9. Thank you so much. I am behind you 100%, We need to take our country back…

  10. The man is beyond comprehension. This is not a reality show. Maniacle behavior continues and there really are people that stand behind him. If that is the case please be wary of them as well.

  11. Please protect the voting results.

  12. Let there be a fair election! Joe Biden deserves a chance to prove he’s fit for president