Faecbook is promoting climate denial and fossil fueled fascism.

Facebook lies are melting the planet. Sign now to protect Meta’s transparency tools.

With millions of users Facebook has a fundamental obligation to promote transparency, fairness, and combat misinformation like climate and election denial. But Meta — which owns Facebook, Instagram and Threads — has proposed shutting down a key transparency tool called CrowdTangle just weeks before the 2024 election! Meta has a history of failing to shut …

Trump is a Fossil Fueled Fascist

Sign to stop Trump & fossil fueled fascists

On April 12, President Biden raised prices for fossil fuel companies who drill or mine on public lands. The day before Biden’s announcement, Trump held a private dinner at his Mar-a-Lago Club and resort with two dozen fossil fuel barons, including executives from Chevron, ExxonMobil, and more – the event raised huge sums of money …

Tell social media companies to crack down on climate disinformation

Big tech is serving us lies, including climate disinformation

For years, we’ve been on the digital frontlines fighting back against Trump and the fossil fueled fascists who use social media like facebook, youtube, and twitter to weaponize lies and misinformation against our communities and climate. After the 2020 election and the Jan 6, 2021 insurrection, social media platforms were under tremendous pressure to clean …

Sign the petition: Keep Trump Off Facebook

Keep fossil fueled fascist Trump off Facebook

We were all in the resistance when Trump used social media to weaponize policy against our communities and the planet. Every day was a fire hose of lies, hate, misinformation and climate denial. But it wasn’t until the day after the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol that Facebook finally suspended fossil fueled fascist …