We the people not Fossil Fuel CEOs banner

The climate crisis isn’t an accident, it’s a crime.

On indigenous peoples day — a holiday that reclaims the memory of this continent and how it was colonized, not discovered, by Europeans — it’s important to also remember that the climate crisis didn’t “just happen”; Like Columbus, this crisis didn’t arrive at random, nor are its impacts felt equitably by all. So, how did …

Save Monarchs and the Endangered Species Act

Trump is coming for the last animals now

In a final act of indignity, Trump’s Department of Interior has proposed catastrophic roll-backs to the Endangered Species Act, a crown-jewel of the environmental movement that has prevented 99% of protected species from going extinct. For all of us who love wild things and the planet, this is a a final straw, not unexpected; But …

No More Climate deniers in charge of US climate policy

Bad news & why we fight on

Bad news first: This week the Senate confirmed Kelly Craft to serve as Trump’s corrupt, climate-denying ambassador to the United Nations. The vote was mostly along party lines with only five Democrats betraying their principles, values and common sense vote for Craft. There’s no upside to Craft being approved. But the vote frames two important …

No More Climate deniers in charge of US climate policy

UN Fit to lead. Stop Kelly Knight Craft nomination.

UPDATE – Bad news: As expected the Senate Foreign relations committee voted to approve Kelly Craft to be UN Ambassador despite her being a corrupt, UN-qualified, climate denier. Even more disturbing, Three Democrats — Sens. Jeanne Shaheen, Chris Coons and Chris Murphy— joined every Republican to approve her, despite the fact that she spent most …

Stop Barry Myers NOAA nomination!

Barry Myers is a NO for NOAA

Once again, Trump has nominated Barry Myers, a totally unqualified, wildly corrupt businessman accused of sexual harassment to lead a major climate change research agency. This is actually Myers THIRD time being nominated. But while the idea hasn’t gotten any better, the Senate is rushing his nomination through without so much as a committee hearing …

Sign here to support disaster relief for Puerto Rico and all Americans.

UPDATE: Disaster relief bill passes Congress

Thanks again for signing our petition asking Congress to pass climate-disaster relief for Puerto Rico and all Americans. Good news – thanks to your voice and the voices of more than 70,000 others – Congress voted this week to concur with the Senate’s changes and send the $19 billion disaster relief bill to Donald Trump. …

Breaking Tump tries to approve the KXL pipeline, again

Breaking: Trump tries to ram through KeystoneXL, Again

Trump just issued a presidential permit for construction of Keystone XL, again. He’s trying to get around a recent court order by the Ninth circuit that preserved an injunction to stop TransCanada from building the pipeline, at a potential costs of billions of dollars. If you’re ready to get in front of this pipeline and …

Tell the Senate, Climate deniers can't lead EPA.

Call now to shutdown Wheeler

UPDATE – Quick update – Andrew Wheeler, Trump’s climate-destroying nominee to lead the EPA is on the Senate calendar today for a so-called “unanimous consent” vote. Within the last few weeks, Wheeler also said that the Green New Deal would threaten the entire electric grid – belying both a failure to understand how Renewable Energy …

we get up and make a ruckus

BOEM goes the dynamite – your comments in action

When the Bureau of Ocean Energy management (BOEM) came to my town, there was already a great plan in place with rallies, lobby days,and speak outs planned by partners. But I wanted to make sure we did more than show up and record your comments (and mine) as opposed to the Trump administration’s plan. There’s …