Call Sec haaland to Stop the Sale

Tell Interior Sec. Deb Haaland to Stop the Sale and save the climate!

One week after COP26, and despite our strong objection, President Biden and Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland hosted the largest oil & gas offshore lease sale in US history: 80 million acres of public waters for drilling. This is a clear violation of President Biden’s promises during his campaign, and puts Biden on track to approve …

Deb 4 Interior

A long time coming: Help us Confirm Deb Haaland this week

President Biden has nominated Congresswoman Deb Haaland to be the next Interior Secretary. It’s an historic choice, and this agency is crucial to the Biden team’s plans to Build Back Better and tackle the climate crisis by Building back fossil free. Unfortunately, Republican Senators who were willing to support for Donald Trump’s racist, climate denying …

Deb Haaland BeFierce poster

Tell the Senate: #BeFierce & confirm Deb Haaland Interior Secretary

President Joe Biden has picked Deb Haaland to be his Secretary of the Interior. It’s exactly the kinds of barrier breaking, fossil fuel busting, build-back-better choice we had in mind when we started talking about the need for a Fossil Free Cabinet. If confirmed, Haaland wouldn’t just be the first indigenous woman to run the …

Fossil free cabinet

Biden’s cabinet is going off the rails, into climate chaos.

Last week we wrote to you about the important chance to make sure Joe Biden picks climate activists, not corporate cronies, for his cabinet. Since then, unfortunately, the process has dissolved into a disorganized hodgepodge of favor-trading, corruption, and skin deep lip service for progressive values. This was supposed to be a moment for experience, …

Fossil Free Cabinet

It’s time for a non-corporate, fossil free cabinet

For the last four years, we’ve witnessed the unchecked racism, environmental damage, and sheer incompetence of having the White House and Administration run by corporate fossil fuel flunkies. Thanks to our work and the work of many others to block Trump’s attempts to undermine the election and overturn the results, and thanks to the votes …

Investigate Perry

Investigate Rick Perry

You remember Rick Perry as Trump’s former Secretary of Energy – the man appointed to lead an agency he famously said he would eliminate, but could not recall the name of during a 2016 Republican Presidential Debate. You might also remember that as one of the “three amigos” Perry was a minor player in Trump’s …

2019 in photos

It’s almost 2020 and you look great! Here’s a quick retrospective on the last year of action and work, as told through some of my favorite pictures and memes. Take a gander, and if you’re so-inclined, chip in here to support another year of banner-dropping, Trump-impeaching, arrest-risking, action and fun! Here’s a little more background …

The United Nations Says we're moving too slow on climate

4 charts and a mission

UPDATE: Since I wrote this earlier, I’ve come across two good discussions on the role of “Hope” in the face of these charts and the overwhelming science of climate change. This interview with scientists and experts contrasts these same 4 charts with what gives them hope. This really good thread and podcast discussion by The Hot Take co-founder Mary Annaïse Heglar makes the …

Save Monarchs and the Endangered Species Act

Trump is coming for the last animals now

In a final act of indignity, Trump’s Department of Interior has proposed catastrophic roll-backs to the Endangered Species Act, a crown-jewel of the environmental movement that has prevented 99% of protected species from going extinct. For all of us who love wild things and the planet, this is a a final straw, not unexpected; But …