Join us in person or online for a rally to Save Juliana, America's climate case.

We asked, now it’s time to deliver and save Juliana v US, America’s climate case

April 21 update – Tune in with us for a livestream of the rally at 1pm Eastern! You can watch live through our Facebook page, or on Our Children’s Trust’s Instagram! More info below if you need a reminder! April 10 invite: The brave young plaintiffs in Juliana v US, aka the Youth v Gov …

Tell President Biden we need a strong NEPA now!

Short on time to make NEPA stronger

Back when Trump was President, and not just the nation’s leading fossil-fueled fascist, his administration took a hatchet to the National Environmental Policy Act – NEPA. Trump’s rules gutted NEPA, especially communities’ ability to learn about and challenge potential projects based on their cumulative impact on the climate and environment; For example, Trump’s NEPA rules …

climate justice for black lives

Make DC the 51st state – and win climate justice

This is one of my ideas that sounds crazy, but it’s actually really not: Make DC the 51st and deliver climate justice for all. Like how a Green New Deal that ends fossil fuels would create jobs, rebalance the economy on behalf of millions of working Americans and stop climate catastrophe. Or how chocolate + …

Hurricane Dorian over the Bahamas

Justice for the Bahamas; Justice for climate refugees.

It’s been just over a month since the Bahamas were slammed by Hurricane Dorian. The Category 5 storm killed dozens of people and left more than 70,000 Bahamians homeless. But when families fled for the US mainland looking for shelter and a safe place to stay while they rebuild, the Trump administration slammed the door. …