mayors can save net neutrality

Your mayor could save Net Neutrality

Late last year, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) caved to corporate interests and voted to eliminate Net Neutrality; That’s the basic concept that your internet provider cannot slow down your browsing on certain pages, block websites, or charge apps and sites extra fees to reach an audience. All legal content is treated the same. It’s been …

Don't let cable companies slow down the resistance

Break the internet in order to save it

This Thursday, Trump’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) could destroy the open internet. Big cable and phone companies like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T have been lobbying for years to end net neutrality so they charge us extra fees, throttle the speed of content they don’t like or outright censor speech critical of corporations or the political elite. …

Don't let cable companies slow down the resistance

We Wouldn’t Exist Without Net Neutrality

We all depend on Net Neutrality to take action. Help save it before July 17! Imagine a world where Donald Trump’s tweets are delivered faster, instantly, to every device in the world, but our messages and emails planning protest and resistance take hours to be delivered. It’s not a nightmare (well, it would be) — …