We shut down coal, now help us snuff out gas in New England

We shut down coal in New England. Now, let’s snuff out gas.

Have you heard the news? After years of campaigning, we’ve got a shut down date for the last coal-fired power plant in New England – now let’s snuff out gas. The Merrimack generating station in Bow, New Hampshire, is closing for good and being replaced with a renewable energy park! Thanks to all of you …

FEMA isn't prepared for climate disaster

Sign the petition: We are in the midst of the climate crisis–we must overhaul disaster relief

We’ve all seen the climate fueled disaster headlines: floods, wildfires, draughts, and more. This week, world leaders head to another round of international climate talks, and a key area of disagreement will again be the debt historic polluters (like the US) owe to those hit first and worst by climate change. But before they fly …