Louisiana deserves better than this EPA False solution to climate change

The EPA is selling out Louisiana for false climate solutions

President Biden promised to cut global warming pollution in half by 2030, and to “net zero” by 2050. His EPA Administrator, Michael Regan, promised to prioritize environmental justice, and to protect overburdened communities like those in Louisiana’s cancer alley. Today, the EPA is breaking both promises – abandoning the people of Louisiana and Gulf south …

Permitting reform done wight meme

Permitting reform done right: America never knew how to build. But it could.

For more than a year now, we’ve been hearing the same lie about so-called permitting reform. The lie goes like this: America used to know how to build things. But then we invented a lot of environmental rules, like NEPA the National Environmental Policy Act, and environmentalists and especially communities of color got really good …

Tell FERC Environmental Justice is more than a box to check.

Juneteenth: Thinking about justice, race, and the frontlines

Happy Juneteenth – now officially a federally recognized holiday after (like the end of legal slavery it commemorates) too damn long. I’ve been thinking a lot about Environmental Justice — and especially our friends and relatives on the frontlines in the Gulf south — as it related to the on-going debate about whether and how …

Stop Manchin's FERC!

Tune in today to the fight to stop Manchin’s deal, and Manchin’s FERC

May 19 update – just a quick note at the end of the week to say: We did it! We did ALL of it! And it’s working! If you didn’t get the chance to tune in, we had a busy morning at FERC with rallies, a non-violent direct action that blocked the driveway entrance to …

Tell FERC Environmental Justice is more than a box to check.

Tell FERC environmental justice isn’t a box to check

For years we’ve told you how the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) rubber stamps virtually every fossil fuel project proposed to them. There’s a new FERC Environmental Justice docket open right now, which builds upon their roundtable discussion last March. They’ve also been ordered by President Biden, under a new Executive Order issued for Earth …

pass the EJ for All Act

Sign Now for Environmental Justice for All

We’ve told you before about the newly re-named and re-introduced A. Donald McEachin Environmental Justice For All Act. The bill was reintroduced in late March by Rep. Grijalva, Rep. Barbara Lee, and Senators Tammy Duckworth and Cory Booker. And it is still the gold standard for how to guarantee every American’s right to clean air, …

pass the EJ for All Act

The best way to kill a dirty deal is with environmental justice for all

All month, we’ve been rallying you to kill Manchin’s zombie dirty deal again and again. And it’s essential that we keep doing that work to protect our climate and communities. But there’s a better way to stop pollution and extraction, especially in our most marginalized communities. The better way is called the Environmental Justice for …

Say nope to Trump's NEPA rollback

Stop Trump’s NEPA rollback

This is the last week to comment on Trump’s latest plan to to ram through climate-wrecking fossil fuel projects without public comment or environmental review.  If you haven’t heard, Trump’s latest scam is to fundamentally alter the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA is a one of America’s oldest environmental laws, created in the 1970s and 80s along with the Endangered …

Firefighter and Koala in Australia

2020 foresight

2020 and the new decade are not off to a very encouraging start: Australia is on fire. So is the Amazon and there was just a huge oil spill in Brazil. Puerto Rico is being rocked by earthquakes even as it struggles to get the relief money Congress appropriated, and which Trump’s racist administration still …