Say nope to Trump's NEPA rollback

Stop Trump’s NEPA rollback

This is the last week to comment on Trump’s latest plan to to ram through climate-wrecking fossil fuel projects without public comment or environmental review.  If you haven’t heard, Trump’s latest scam is to fundamentally alter the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA is a one of America’s oldest environmental laws, created in the 1970s and 80s along with the Endangered …

Stop Trumps Dirty Energy Agenda the Change starts here

Stop Trump’s Dirty Energy Agenda

For months, we successfully held up $13 billion in pipeline and gas-export projects by denying the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) a quorum. Last month, on the last day before a 3 week vacation, Senator Lisa Murkowski successfully broke the bureaucratic logjam by herself. Using a unanimous consent motion mere moments before the Senate Adjourned for …