We can't fight climate change unless we fix our food and ag sectors

What are we going to eat under the Green New Deal?

Ok, you’ve heard the hype: The Green New Deal is going to ban hamburgers (it doesn’t); the Green New Deal will force vegan soylant green on the unwilling masses (nope); The Green New Deal doesn’t care about farmers — actually, on that last one, it could do a better job helping farmers, but not because …

Sign now to stop the williams pipeline

There’s no room for the Williams fracked gas pipeline in the Green New Deal

Since the start of this year, I’ve been telling you about the exciting Green New Deal proposed by NY Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I’ve also been straight with you (and members of Congress) about what I see as one of the resolution’s main failings: that it doesn’t explicitly rule out pipelines and fossil fuel infrastructure in …

Banner at Bank of America . meeting

Shareholder season update

It’s been a busy few weeks with Drew and the 198 methods crew running around DC, North Carolina and other locations to support direct action campaigns that challenge fossil fuels and climate chaos. In particular, this spring, we’ve been working on getting the biggest banks, regulators and corporations behind the build out of fossil fuel …

We fired Zinke and Pruitt, now help block Bernhardt

UPDATE: Bernhardt caught red handed, Senate Committee votes to confirm him anyway

Early this morning, the New York Times released a story that proves that David Bernhardt – Trump’s corrupt, dirty nominee to replace Ryan Zinke as head of the Department of Interior – lied to Congress by continuing to lobby Interior more than a year after he swore he’d stopped. The evidence is an April 2017 invoice that …

Breaking Tump tries to approve the KXL pipeline, again

Breaking: Trump tries to ram through KeystoneXL, Again

Trump just issued a presidential permit for construction of Keystone XL, again. He’s trying to get around a recent court order by the Ninth circuit that preserved an injunction to stop TransCanada from building the pipeline, at a potential costs of billions of dollars. If you’re ready to get in front of this pipeline and …