Hey, we all get too much email

Here at 198 methods, we’re all about action, not emails. But still, we need a way to keep in touch with people and let them know what we’re doing, how to help, and where we can get together. We’ve seen time and time again that digitally connected protest movements – especially ones that take direct action in order to create democratic, peaceful power – can be incredibly powerful. So I hope you’ll take a second and just read this email.

In the last few weeks we’ve helped organize hundreds of thousands of people to send a message to the big banks to stop destroying the climate and respect indigenous rights; We helped deliver those messages to banks around the world; We fought back against FERC and all the parts of Trump’s administration that threaten the climate, and more!

We also want to hear more from you – if you know of a protest we can help plan, or a frontline community that could use support, let us know.

Even just reading this email will give us a sign that you’re still open to hearing from us. But if you’d rather not get email from us just ignore this message, or click here to unsubscribe.