A photo of a large oil tanker to illustrate GulfLinks and the fossil fuel exports it would produce

Stop GulfLink to block Climate Killing Fossil Fuel Exports

Meet the GulfLink export terminal, the latest fossil fuel export terminal killing the planet and making a mockery of US goals on climate action. GulfLink would pump an additional 1 million barrels of crude oil per day to international buyers, creating an incredible 3.8 billion metric tons of climate-changing pollution. It’s also located (of course) …

The Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve can’t keep ignoring climate change

The climate has a money problem, but it’s not the way we spend taxpayer dollars (ok, we have that problem too) — it’s the Federal Reserve. In case you missed it, earlier this month the Fed blocked a global effort to regulate climate change, and the risk it poses to our communities and economy. A …

Divest defund, and uninsure Rio Grande LNG and all climate chaos

Divest, de-fund, and uninsure climate chaos

Late last year, we asked several times to sign petitions, send comments, and take action aimed at getting the Biden Administration to stop the fossil fuel exports, especially LNG, that are wrecking our climate progress. Thanks to your support we’ve already delivered more than 200,000 comments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the US …